We are pleased to announce the second Café Bridge Day in Prestwick, organized by a local team of keen bridge players and supported by the Ayrshire Bridge Union in aid of Ayrshire Hospice. As is well known, the sun always shines in Prestwick, particularly for Café Bridge.
Highlights of the day:
Registration and coffee in Prestwick South Church Hall at 10:00 on Tuesday morning for an 11:00 start to play. Players will be issued with a map and a movement card. Seven rounds will be played, with a light lunch included (bread and soup, or a sandwich). Play is scheduled to finish at 16:10 pm.
Prizegiving at 16:30, back in Church Hall.
Prestwick Station is half mile walk from the Church Hall. The X77 bus operates a drop-off only service from Glasgow Buchanan Bus station taking 49 minutes. All-day free car parking is available at the Church.
Prestwick is well known for the rugged beauty of its coast overlooking the island of Arran, its fine golf courses, its close proximity to Burns conutry and its charming shops.
You can find out more about Prestwick here: https://www.visitscotland.com/info/towns-villages/prestwick-p242831
The cost to enter the event is £25 per player, to include a day of convivial bridge and a light lunch. Please sign up below using the link, after which payment instructions will be sent to you.
Ayrshire hospice: To find out more about our beneficiary, please click here:
Scores are entered by players on their phones using the BriAn app-based scoring system. This allows us to declare a winner very soon after the last board is played. If you have not come across BriAn before, you can find out more here.
Please contact us with any questions about the event. We look forward to welcoming you on 3rd June.
Margaret MacCallum (Cafebridge@ayrshirebridge.co.uk, www.ayrshirebridge.co.uk) —Victor Lesk (brianplaysbridge@gmail.com)