Perth Café Bridge

Saturday 31st August 2024 11.15am - 4.15pm

We are pleased to announce The Fair City of Perth's second Café Bridge Day, organised by a team of enthusiastic Perth Bridge Club players led by Marijke Lafferty with the help of Victor Lesk with a raffle in aid of Cancer Research UK. The sun always shines on Café Bridge, and it is impossible not to have a good time, especially in the company of Scotland's friendliest bridge players.

Join us in this unique event to promote bridge playing particularly among our younger players. We all know that bridge is an exciting way to partake in mental exercise and to make new friends. We hope that by playing throughout city centre hostelries, on a Saturday afternoon, we can make one huge, fun, challenging tournament that uniquely takes our bridge into our community and also gets our community into playing our bridge.

The Perth Café Bridge Trophy will be awarded to the winners and various other prizes are on offer.

This year we are participating in Bridge ‐ it's a Big Deal, a UK-wide festival of bridge with the aim of raising money for Cancer Research UK. Click here to find more about what is on in Scotland during this exciting fortnight.

Perth Café Bridge Café Bridge is now provisionally full. However, the organisers are looking for space to expand the event.

Perth Café Bridge is now full.

Please click the following link to register your interest in participating. If we are able to increase capacity, or in case of a cancellation, we will contact you and find out if you are still available to play.

If you were on the waiting list but have been given a place, please book using the link below, after which payment instructions will be sent to you.

The cost to enter the event is £30.00 per player (includes lunch). Please sign up below using the link, after which payment instructions will be sent to you.

Please note that this event is open to 18 year olds and over only.


Thank you from Marijke, Gill, Miriam, Lyn and Victor to everyone who joined in the Perth Café Bridge on 31st August 2024. We would like to thank in particular: St. Matthew's Church; Perth Bridge Club - and all the volunteers who helped with refreshments, setup and equipment. Thanks to Perth's fantastic establishments restaurants: The Royal George Hotel, Cullach Brewing and Taproom, Twa Tams, Rose House, The Perth Museum and The Perth Theatre, and to other people and businesses who donated raffle prizes. Thanks to the unique Liz McGowan for preparing a fascinating commentary on today's hands. Finally a huge thank you all for participating.

Congratulations to winners Alan Roberts and James Paterson, runners-up Michael Huebeck and Mark Lincoln, and third place Nicki Traynor and Fiona Jeffrey. Full results can be found here:

Some photos of the event can be found here:

Liz' interesting hand commentary can be found here:

We look forward to seeing you next year!

We intend to update this page over the next few days with the final sum raised for Cancer Research UK. In the meantime please send us any feedback on the event or results queries and we will give them due consideration.

We look forward to welcoming you next year.

More information about Perth Bridge Club can be found here:

Registration will take place in St. Matthew's Church, Tay Street, Perth PH1 5LQ between 10.15 and 11.00 am on Saturday morning for a 11.15am start to play. Players will be issued with a map and a movement card. Six rounds will be played. Play is scheduled to finish at 4.15pm.

Scores are entered by players on their phones using the BriAn app-based scoring system. This allows us to declare a winner very soon after the last board is played. If you have not come across BriAn before, you can find out more here.

A raffle will be held in aid of Cancer Research UK (reg. no. SC041666) - you will be able to buy tickets at St. Matthew's Church at registration so please come back at the end to see if you have won a prize.

Please contact us with any questions about the event. We look forward to welcoming you on 31st August.

Marijke Lafferty (  —Victor Lesk (

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